An inspiring podcast on everything you need to know about color!

Next on TCA podcast is an interview with Anna Stamper about the future of color. Stay tuned!

Color Abundance with Andreea Hartea

Color Abundance with Andreea Hartea

How does our past influence the perception we have of our world today? Where does color stand in our daily perception of things and more importantly, how do we select the correct colors that truly make us feel good? Andreea Hartea will explain how we perceive color and how to select the right color for ourselves and our clients.

Andreea Hartea was born in Romania and currently lives and works in Italy where in early 2020, she established RAH Colour Consulting Studio collaborating with architecture firms, interior designers, and international companies. She studied Visual Arts at NABA and completed a two-year program in Dynamic Hypnosis and Analogical Psychology at the CID_CNV Institute in Milan. To deepen her expertise, she pursued additional courses on color by "Max Luscher," attended seminars on meditative and hypnotic practices, while she researched topics like neuromarketing and neuroeconomics.

Her research primarily draws inspiration from psychology and consciousness, focusing on the mechanisms of unconscious and emotional perception. Her fascination with the human experience fuels her exploration of the inner universe as a means to comprehend our surroundings.

She derives great satisfaction from assisting individuals in their daily lives and uncovering the underlying reasons behind their experiences using the power of color.

Her primary objective is to educate people on approaching color from a more intimate, authentic, and conscious standpoint, acknowledging that color affects each individual in a very unique manner. Currently, she is devoted to promote the concept "subjectivity of color” as she has been privileged to deliver lectures to prominent companies and international platforms such as Edison, PPG, Archiproducts, and TedxRoma.

Having moved from theory to practical application, she developed the RAH Colours test, which aids professionals closely engaged with end clients in addressing the challenging question: "What color should we choose?" Whether it involves materials, products, or surfaces, this question invariably arises in interior design and often proves a point of frustration for both professionals and clients alike.

She provides guidance on implementing this methodology, and currently works on creating a platform that will provide professionals with their own personal color consultant.

Moreover, she collaborates with studios and boutique agencies specializing in brand identities, particularly for small-scale brands.

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Shaping Color Moods with Ruxandra Duru

Shaping Color Moods with Ruxandra Duru

Ruxandra Duru is the creator of Color Moods, a tool that shows you how to create color combinations but also how color influences your mood. In this conversation Ruxandra will testify to the power of color and the effects it has on our emotions, feelings and decisions.

Ruxandra Duru researches, documents and experiments with color, beauty and mood.

She currently lives and works in NYC. A third culture person, she was born in Romania, spent her childhood in Morocco, moved during her teens to Canada and in her mid-twenties to Barcelona, Spain where she resided until 2021.

She worked in the editorial graphic design field until 5 years ago, when she became increasingly interested in how colors, among others properties, can create different atmospheres and improve our well-being in a variety of contexts including graphic design, art and architecture.

On top of her own practice, she also uses her color knowledge at Google NYC.

Additionally, she makes music and takes photographs, spaces where mood is also an important element.

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Shining your Light with Judith van Vliet

Shining your Light with Judith van Vliet

This is quite the unusual podcast for me.. as for the first time I am being interviewed myself by Keith Recker who beseeched, almost begged me to let the TCA fans get to know me better by turning the tables and allowing myself to be the interviewee. This fun conversation gives some insights into the mysterious world of color forecasting and its future, how you may identify color for clients and their brand but most importantly, what color can do for you on a personal level once you learn how to work with it. Color is life, color is emotion and above all, it is power.

Judith was born in 1981 in the countryside of The Netherlands. She moved to the urban environment of The Hague for her studies at the age of 17. At 28, when she moved to Milan, she fulfilled a lifelong dream of living in Italy. She still lives there, a participant in the vibrant unfolding of color and design-thinking in one of the world’s creativity capitols.

Her initial dive into color came in her first job as Product Planning Specialist at Kawasaki Motors, where she was the only European and the only woman on Kawasaki’s Japan-based design team. Later, she served as Senior Color Designer at Avient ColorWorks, which designs innovative and increasingly sustainable polymer-based colorants to the manufacturing sector and was Creative Director of ColorForward, a global color forecasting guide. These positions allowed her to travel the world to present social and consumer color intelligence to cross-industry professionals, designers and marketers.

Today she is captain of her own ship as founder and color intelligence provider at The Color Authority. She’s also vice president of membership of the Color Marketing Group, where she’s been very active for over fifteen years in positions including president and member of the executive committee.

Thank you for listening! Follow us through our website or social media!

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Living your True Color with Mark Wentworth

Living your True Color with Mark Wentworth

Who was I born to be? That is the question we need to ask ourselves, less so, what is my life mission. Mark Wentworth will talk about how we all are born into a particular color and how that sets our natural path. An intriguing conversation about Mark his methodology called Colour Psychics and how he brings people back to themselves as we all seem to have lost ourselves a little bit in this chaotic world. Why was the pandemic indigo and what is the color of 2023?

Mark Wentworth has been studying and working with the healing power of colour for 35 years. He is the founder and principal of Colour for Life, and creator of the Colour Psychodynamics® methodology, both offering life-enhancing methods integrating colour therapy with the collective and visionary worlds of depth psychology and expressive arts. He is the author of Add a Little Colour to Your Life which has been translated into 8 languages. Mark lives in the UK as well as travelling around the world sharing and teaching his love of colour.

As well as being a guest on numerous TV and Radio shows and interviewed by various magazines and newspapers throughout the world, Mark is also a brand ambassador for Valspar Paint UK, and a Visiting Practitioner for SixSenses Spas and Resorts.

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Color Provocations with Keith Recker

Color Provocations with Keith Recker

Keith Recker is a color poet and you will hear that immediately when listening to this conversation, even if it's not all roses we talk about. Keith does not refrain from talking about how color continues to create political and social divides and often triggers consumers into buying promises not kept by brands. The mission of his latest book Deep Color is to indeed reveal the misperceptions on color and to disclose the truth about each color in the spectrum. Not all that is white is clean, simple and pure..

Keith Recker brings 35 years of adventuresome, insightful, multicultural experience in marketing, merchandising, trend and color forecasting, and content development to his role as Editor in Chief and Co-Owner of TABLE Magazine. With strong roots in food and drink, TABLE also explores travel, interior design, fashion and jewelry, and other facets of modern living, in both print and digital formats.

Recker is the founder and editor of HAND/EYE Magazine, a print and online publication whose 10 issues cultivated a global following. The magazine profiles forward-looking creators, faraway cultures, ancient craft traditions, and cutting-edge design. HAND/EYE saw humankind’s creative future as handmade, which demands attention the struggle of artisans to earn decent livelihoods through preservation of ancient traditions, innovation of new ones, exploration of new markets, and educating the consuming public about the cultural and economic importance of their work. HAND/EYE is on a pause right now, but ripe for rebirth.

Recker is also a trend and color forecaster whose almost 20-year client list includes global influencers Pantone, WGSN, Stylus, Color Association of the United States (CAUS), and more. For 16 years, Recker has been creative director of Pantone’s annual home publication, PANTONE View Home. For eight years he was on WGSN’s global trend and color team. He serves on the CAUS home forecasting committee.

The revised second edition of his book, True Colors: World Masters of Natural Dyes and Pigments (Thrums Books) was released in September 2020, with chapters already excerpted in London-based Selvedge Magazine, NY Textile Month Journal, and reviewed in many more, including Metropolis. He is co-author of PANTONE: The Twentieth Century in Color (Chronicle, 2012), published in eight languages. His new book, Deep Color: The Shades That Shape Our Souls, debuts in September 2022. His writing on color and culture has been published by the Studio Museum of Harlem (catalog essay about Stephen Burks), Museum of Art and Design (catalog essay about African craft and its messages about the future), Brooklyn Rail (comparing the work of potter Alex Matisse with the performance work of Marina Abramovic), The Santa Fe New Mexican, and more.

He has also worked in the non-profit world as a director of consumer marketing at CARE International and executive director at Aid to Artisans (as well as a board member and volunteer for 22 years). Through his involvement with Aid to Artisans, he has worked side by side with artisans from 50 countries. He has served on the boards of Art in General, Chez Bushwick, as founding chair of The Quiet in the Land (a project which brought leading contemporary artists into communities in the developing world) , and the International Folk Art Market, where he was also pro bono creative director and head of the Marketing Committee from 1996-2020.

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What is Color with Judith van Vliet
color design, color education, color psychology Judith van Vliet color design, color education, color psychology Judith van Vliet

What is Color with Judith van Vliet

What is Color? A question I ask all my guests on the podcast and the variety of answers has been amazing. It is such a basic question yet perhaps so hard to answer as color is such a complex topic and can have so many different meanings. Listen back to what my guests replied to this important question over the past year from their own perspectives working in design, architecture, science, food and psychology.

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The Healing Power of Color with Thelma van der Werff

The Healing Power of Color with Thelma van der Werff

How can color heal your past traumas? How can you use color to use your full potential and what do your color choices reveal about you? In this episode I will talk to Thelma van der Werff who's life mission is to heal people through color and help them get to their next step in life. In order to prepare for this interview, I had a private session with Thelma of which we will reveal some interesting findings and the first effects her work had on my life so far. This talk truly reveals the power of color and how it can bring along true change in our lives.

Thelma created her Colour Comfort Method from her desire to make the psychology of colour part of everyday life. She analyses the colours people commonly wear and use to reveal their hidden talents and potential, while identifying and reprogramming unwanted behaviour, thought patterns and feelings. She also co-created Colournostics, a coaching tool that uses a combination of psychology of colour and NLP. She has developed an online course about the psychology of colour, and regularly speaks at events, where people are constantly amazed with the accuracy of the information that their colour choices reveal. At the moment she is the President of the International Light Association, a platform for experts, practitioners and manufacturers who use light, colour or sound for health and wellness.

Born Dutch she now lives in Auckland, New Zealand.

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The Language of Color with Karl Johan Bertilsson

The Language of Color with Karl Johan Bertilsson

Karl Johan Bertilsson is an intriguing person as you will hear, a great storyteller as he brings us along his journey towards color from a scientific point of view to the psychologic part of color as we will touch upon the topic of color semiotics. He will explain how one can communicate in color, how we may connect to others through color and use color as a an important message. Karl will highlight the fascinating differences in color perception between the European, Latin American, Russian and Chinese market. Teaching color is his true purpose and this comes forward very clearly in our chat.

Karl originally studied Applied Linguistics and he ran his own language school in Mexico for 11 years. In 1997 he moved back to Sweden and switched to the color language of NCS, becoming responsible for establishing NCS world wide. Since 1997, his full focus has been to support different Industries, the Architect and Design Community and Universities with color solutions.

His first Color Trend work shop was with CMG in 2007 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and since then he has worked continuously with colour trends globally, responsible for the NCS colour trends.

In 2016 he established his own design company MRKRL AB, offering design solutions of interiors, products and branding where the aesthetics, the function and meaning of colour always have a central function. His clients are mainly based in China, Europe and Russia. All of this while still consulting for NCS Colour AB as a Creative Director.


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Ceaseless Color Passion with Leatrice Eiseman

Ceaseless Color Passion with Leatrice Eiseman

The international guru of color speaks about her journey to color, how her fame has influenced her career path and how she continues to advocate for color and its correct application. Where does she find her inspiration? How do you research color and what to keep in mind when selecting color? Leatrice talks about the importance of sharing your knowledge, connecting with like-minded and the importance of listening to your creative self as Lee gives some valuable advice. Lastly, she will reveal her new objective for the upcoming years.

Leatrice “Lee” Eiseman is director of the Eiseman Center for Color Information & Training and Executive Director of the Pantone® Color Institute.

Lee is a professional color specialist who is often called the international color guru. Her color expertise is recognised worldwide, particularly as executive director of the Pantone® Color Institute.

Lee has been widely quoted in many publications and recognised by Fortune Magazine and the Wall St. Journal as one of the most influential people in the world of color. She is the author of ten books on color.

Today, she is available as a corporate color consultant and a sought-after speaker. She also offers online courses on color theory and personal image color training.


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“Excellent series about color. It’s a complex topic and Judith approaches it from a variety of angles with her guests. Always entertaining and insightful. I look forward to listening to each episode and learning something new about color and the visionaries in the color world.”

— Review Apple Podcast