Designing Emotion through Color
Limited Edition, Bulo, 2TEC2, Collett&Victor and Designs of the Time invite you to an inspiring night full of color! Discover the color trends for 2025 with our keynote speaker Judith Van Vliet.
Color is a powerful tool in design that connects to emotions by triggering psychological and physiological responses. These responses influence how people perceive and feel about a design. How do you design in color?

The Driving Force of Color
Autumn colors the world in warm tones. Colors evoke emotions and influence our behavior. During our DBC lunch on November 5th, themed “The Driving Force of Color,” we will delve deeper into the power of color.
For this occasion, we have invited “Color Authority” and fellow member Judith van Vliet, an expert in color and trend forecasting for multinationals. She will explain how color affects emotions and behavior, and how it can be effectively applied in design and branding.
Don’t miss this inspiring session! See you on November 5th!

CMG European Conference 2024
Which Colors and CMF will emerge in Europe in 2026 and beyond?
CMG’s Color Forecasting Workshops give you the opportunity to interpret, create, forecast, and select color directions with the goal of enhancing services and manufactured goods. By collaborating with experts from all industries and across Europe, we better identify the direction of color and design trends. Then you can interpret this information for your specific industry.

CMG European Conference 2023
Which Colors will Emerge in Europe in 2025 and beyond?
CMG’s Color Forecasting Workshops give you the opportunity to interpret, create, forecast, and select color directions with the goal of enhancing services and manufactured goods. By collaborating with experts from all industries and across Europe, we better identify the direction of color and design trends. Then you can interpret this information for your specific industry.

CMG’s Key Colors for 2024
In 2022 Color Marketing Group released four key colors that our members forecast to be trending in 2024. In this webinar we explore each of these colors, and the trend stories behind them.
Designer, global trend forecaster, and Founder of the Color Authority, Judith van Vliet, will walk you through the trend story supporting each of these global colors.

Il colore è un linguaggio in continua evoluzione, ogni cosa che ci circonda ha un colore. I materiali stessi con i quali sono costruite cose e definiti spazi hanno un colore. Durante la Color Week si indagheranno e approfondiranno degli argomenti raccolti in macrotemi quali C O L O R E E S P A Z IO, COLORE E DECORAZIONE, COLORE E NATURA, COLORE E FINITURA, COLORE E ARTI.
Chiara Frigerio - Architetto Studio 23Bassi
Corrado Beretta - Architetto Reggia di Monza
Marcello Picollo - Color consultant Presidente Gruppo del Colore
Sciffo Andrea - Professore Liceo artistico Nanni Valentini
Judith Van Vliet - EMEA CMG Vice President

CMG’s Key Colors for 2023
In 2021 Color Marketing Group released four key colors that our members forecast to be trending in 2023. In this webinar we explore each of these colors, and the trend stories behind them. Latin America’s key color, MIRADA ALEGRE is a medium chromaticity, creamy, soft orange with a sense of balance between yellow and red. E.V. from Asia Pacific is a low chroma, luminous, neon-like blue with whispers of natural green notes. REVIVAL GREEN from Europe is a low chroma, greyish, blue-based green that is effortless to the eyes. CMG’s North American 2023 Key Color, BOHLD, is a true, unnuanced, neutral black.
Designer, global trend forecaster, and Founder of the Color Authority, Judith van Vliet, will walk you through the trend story supporting each of these global colors.

CMG European Conference 2022
Which Colors will Emerge in Europe in 2024 and beyond?
CMG’s Color Forecasting Workshops give you the opportunity to interpret, create, forecast, and select color directions with the goal of enhancing services and manufactured goods. By collaborating with experts from all industries and across Europe, we better identify the direction of color and design trends. Then you can interpret this information for your specific industry.

CMG ChromaZone Europe 2024+
CMG’s ChromaZone Color Forecasting workshops give you the opportunity to interpret, create, forecast, and select color directions with the goal of enhancing services and manufactured goods. By collaborating with experts from all industries and across the globe, we better identify the direction of color and design trends. Then you can interpret this information for your specific industry.

January Furniture Show
Our industry experts are all established figures, presenting sessions on a diverse collection of topics – from the latest interiors trends to masterclasses on social media and PR. Among them this season, Judith van Vliet, the Milan-based founder of The Color Authority, will be discussing the latest colour trends and innovations. Vliet is a global colour specialist, her agency charting the latest developments and consulting with international brands on colour strategy. She serves on the Color Marketing Group’s Executive Committee and hosts a popular colour-centric podcast.

Modulo Color Trend Forecasting Poliestetico
Il Tecnico del colore è una figura altamente professionale specializzata nella gestione e nel controllo qualità del colore. Attraverso l’acquisizione di competenze tecnico-professionali specifiche messe in pratica durante le ore in laboratorio, il Tecnico del colore sarà in grado di gestire e coordinare l’intera filiera produttiva all’interno di aziende appartenenti a molteplici settori.
Oltre ad acquisire competenze chimico-biologiche, la figura professionale sarà in grado di supportare team multidisciplinari durante la realizzazione del prodotto, adottando modalità di comunicazione e comportamenti in grado di assicurare il raggiungimento di un risultato comune.
Il corso è erogato dal Poliestetico di Milano – centro di formazione professionale accreditato da Regione Lombardia – nell’ ambito dei percorsi di Istruzione e Formazione Tecnica Superiore (IFTS) che offrono percorsi di specializzazione volti alla formazione di figure professionali tecniche di livello medio-alto, sempre più richieste dalle aziende attente all’innovazione e alle nuove tecnologie.

HI Design MEA
Colour is primal, colour is persuasive and colour is powerful. In branding it can affect not just what we buy but how we buy; in architecture it can shape how we navigate an environment; and in clothing it can even determine our productivity. But understanding its influence – and its applications – means understanding its psychology.
Judith van Vliet, Founder of The Color Authority, is an expert in the field – also hosting a popular namesake podcast centred on colour. She’s formerly president of the Color Marketing Group and was previously Senior Color Designer at Avient ColorWorks, and Creative Director of ColorForward. In this revealing talk, van Vliet explores the vital role colour plays in our lives, discusses the hold it has on our emotions and explains how to unleash its power.