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Doty explains:

“A lot of people today don’t have a three to five year plan and that is a lost art”

In this episode I will talk with Doty Horn from the New York area about her career path in Fashion and Interior Design and how similar those two industries are when it comes to color trends. She will highlight the importance of a three to five year plan when doing trend research, the difficulty of being a visionary in a corporate world, the translation of today's happenings into colors for our homes and her new passion: mentorship. A key take away from this conversation is: the power of active listening!

Doty is Founding Director of ColorVoyant LLC, an international visionary color marketing firm formed in early 2011. With an expansive cross-current background in the interior and fashion industries as well as product development for companies such as Armstrong, Formica, Cole of California, and FIDM (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising). For seven years as Benjamin Moore Paint’s Director of Color and Design, Doty established color strategies and trend forecasting for market-focused programs using color as the driving principle. Doty also currently is board director at Color Marketing Group. With a background in the fashion Industry and through extensive traveling for trend research, Doty has established a rich foundation for understanding color and design trends that inform her leadership in color. Her insights reflect a thorough understanding of the emotional impact and power that color has on the Designer and Consumer markets.


How does Storytelling relate to Color?